Categories: Backup and Disaster Recovery.

This is Part 2 in the series regarding the hot topic of Ransomware, brought to you by the team at AgileCloud. If you missed Part 1, you’ll be able to find it here: HELP! … How to Prevent Ransomware Attacks

Despite the raging increase in the frequency of Ransomware attacks, and the increasing probability that your organization will fall victim to one or more of the attacks that have yet to be released into the world, most people are still aloof and under the belief that it will not affect them … but if it does – “we’ll just pay the ransom”, some say.

The effects of a ransomware attack, and being locked out of your systems, are, simply put … devastating!

Yes … “those people” can just pay the ransom, and hope that they get a decryption key (that works?). But, apart from paying the ransom, you need to ask yourself, how long can your business survive without being able to do business? An even better question is, what is the cost of the time that would be lost while not being able to do business and what affect does this have on your customers and reputational risk?

Once realizing that the impact and financial loss can be far greater than simply paying the ransom – the sensible action is to take measures to prevent such losses and be ready for when disaster strikes (whether or not it is a result of ransomware).

So, what measures are we speaking of? Our earlier piece mentioned it … BACKUP!

AgileCloud have a variety of solutions that protect company’s data, and we’ll touch on a few, of our backup solutions in this article. (

MbaaS – Managed Backup as a Service (available from AgileCloud and CommerceQuest) is such a solution. This end-to-end, enterprise-grade managed backup solution is founded on best practice methodologies: one such practice is that backed-up data is kept in 3 separate locations. This managed backup solution includes test restores, to ensure that in the event of a disaster, backup data is readily available and restoring systems, back to being operational has already been ‘practiced’ which in-turn reduces recovery response times.

VDR – Virtual Disaster Recovery, (available from AgileCloud and CommerceQuest) is the solution that will reduce the impact of failed on premise servers or virtual environment (irrespective of the cause) to mere minutes. To achieve this will have otherwise taken days/hours to restore your business from the downtime to being productive.

Our services extend far beyond that of backup solutions, while many implemented congruently will ensure the highest levels of uptime, with financially backed SLA’s. Or where a service is implemented in its singularity, to add to some of your existing services – this too, will enhance your company’s ability to withstand downtime.

Can business survive, without taking preventative measures? – Well, that is another very important question, that I’m doubtful many might, electively, want to test.

Our extensive solution offerings cater for all types and sizes of organizations.

Complete network, server and End-Point protection will be covered in our next article

Don’t wait until it’s too late, chat to us to find out how best we can ensure your business continuity.


AgileCloud – your silver lining is our way

Contact author | Brendan Elario | | | +27 11 447 4701